Women's Ministry



Our Mission is...

to encourage growth and development of women 

through faithful service in Christ, regular study of

scripture and faith in action.


We are a community of women who gather together to worship and serve God, our church and our community.

There are four Bible study circles that meet once per month for fellowship, study and prayer.  We invite anyone who is interested to join one of these groups:


Rebekah Circle meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. 

Ruth Circle usually meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm.

 Please watch the church newsletter for specific details on other social events.

Our women serve God, our church and community through prayer, financial support and sharing of time and talents. Service events include: World Day of Prayer, kitchen clean-up, Extendicare Birthday Party, LutherCare Birthday Party, serving at funerals, collection for Salvation Army Christmas hampers, and participation in the Canadian Lutheran World Relief program. We provide financial support to Redeemer VBS,CampKinasao, Lutheran Care Society, Lutheran Broadcast, Campus Ministry, LCBI, community schools and Redeemer Parents and Praise, plus others.


All women are invited to participate in any of these events. Please contact the church office for further details.